Saturday, March 2, 2013


This Valentine's Day was a blur.  The whole Kindergarten puts on a program for their families, so the weeks prior were chaos.  The show was adorable and everyone did a great job!
This year I created Natalie's Valentines again and decided to use them for my kiddos as well.  I was in Target one day and they have Market Pantry tic-tac-toe fruit snacks.  So I created a tic-tac-toe game on a heart.  Super simple!  Side note- Market pantry has put out a few more holiday themed fruit snacks...

My kiddos also got a paint chip bookmark.  Trimmed them, hole punched the top, added ribbon, then wrote something on each {XOXO, Hugs, Love and Read}.

I made pretzel/Hershey hugs/M & M treats for Natalie's teachers but I forgot to take a picture of them...
I used the butter snap pretzels, Hershey hugs, and Valentine M & M's.  I bought regular kisses but they never melted.  Note to self- always use hugs.  I wanted to make a 'Hugs and Kisses' tag to go with them but it wouldn't of made sense with out the kisses...So I printed out the alphabet 'I heart U' chart and wrote what Natalie loved about each of her teachers and had her sign them.

So now let the month of March begin with all of its fun crafts, treats, and holidays.

Maggie &co.


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