We spent Thanksgiving in Connecticut with the majority of my extended family (at least on the Hyland side). There were 25 people PLUS 3 little girls and 2 babies for Thanksgiving dinner. The house was loud but full of love! We had a lot of fun seeing people we haven't seen in a few years and catching up with those we get to see more often, like Livi's Godmother, Lisa.
Here are some 3-D pumpkins and felt fall leaves:
The little girls helped me out with this one. We used them to hold popcorn and pretzels.
My niece helped me out with the wording on this bunting. I love the scalloped turkey face and her handwriting is adorable. Thanks Aves!
And a close-up...
Then we have the place settings.
My parent's dining room has a slight nautical theme with maps and striped walls. So it just made sense having these mayflowers as place settings:
My Mom changed something on me last minute so I needed to make 2 more Mayflowers but was out of the pretty taupe cardstock. Sooooo...Mom and Dad (the Hosts of T Day) got Mayflower cargo ships with giant pilgrims (by Aves).
The cool table had the Native American table settings. I love these feathers!
The little girls' table was Pilgrim themed. I wanted to get some brown butcher paper for the girls to draw on but Mom did one better. She found a paper table cloth that was designed to be colored. AWESOME! Insert Pilgrim hat crayon holders!
The last table was my turkey table. With help from my Dad (and some extra railing he found) I was able to pull these together.
We are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends! We hope everyone had a great holiday and spent it with the ones you love doing what you love.
{I am most thankful for the Fighting Irish and their 12-0 season!}
Maggie & co.
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