Friday, December 28, 2012

Emerson 2012

This year we got an Elf on the Shelf for Natalie.  We read the book on November 30th (Andy's birthday), she named him {Emerson} and the fun began!
He brought Natalie and Olivia matching pajamas.  Which is a hard job!
Admiring our yet to be decorated tree in the best seat in the house. 
Natalie said it would be funny if Dobbins (her rocking horse) had lights on him...So Emerson decorated him but got stuck in the lights! 
Couldn't stand our bare tree anymore so he did something about it...
Natalie spent the night at Grandmama's house and guess who found her AND drank all the milk!
We read the Nutcracker and Emerson loved it so much that he found a Nutcracker in our garage and hung out with it all night!
Wooing Belle with his reading skills!  Oh yea!
Taking a rest on the windowsill.
Taking a marshmallow bubble bath.
Don't mess with the heat...It's COLD!
Poured himself a bowl of cereal and wrote Natalie's name with some.
Brought Natalie Llama Llama Holiday Drama- a book she had been talking about for days!
Natalie had a splinter the night before and had to use a band aid- Emerson wanted to join in the fun...
We received a Christmas package in the mail and Emerson thought the peanuts were snow!
Hiding in the treasure box trying to sneak some treats...
Natalie loves headbands and clippies.  Emerson was curious...
Natalie loves forts so Emerson built one out of Livi's building blocks.
A little late night karaoke with some flashing lights!
Trying to sneak some candy while drinking syrup.
Trying to play hide and seek- but Nat's too smart for him!
Went for a boat ride in our sink.  We used a dissolving bath color tablet to make the water blue.
Emerson has groupies!
Got stuck in our tree!
Making sure he was noticed.  This was his last night.  He wrote a note to Natalie:
Dear Natalie,
I had so much fun watching over you!  I can't wait to see what Sanat brings you!  Happy early birthday!  Have a great year!  I love you!
She was sad to see him leave but understands that he'll be back on Daddy's birthday.  I loved hearing about her favorite place she found him or when she would tell other people about where he was that day- she would get such a case of the giggles!

Maggie & co.

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Here are a few things I put together this holiday season...
An advent calendar.  It was Pinterest inspired.  I heart bunting and polka dot ribbon!
I cute out triangles for the bunting and glued 2 together (just on the edge) creating a pocket.  I then glued them onto the ribbon, added the numbers and daily activities.  I plugged in our local events (parades, breakfast with Santa) and then the rest were similar to- make a paper wreath, bake cookies, donate books, etc.  Nat loved it!

The Christmas subway art is from here.

Happy Holidays from the Scott sisters!
I hope your holidays were filled with lots of love, laughter and creativity!

Maggie & co.

12 Days of Christmas

This year I went ahead and did a '12 days of Christmas' for Natalie's teachers at her preschool.  My friends and I ransacked Pinterest and I found the "Days of Christmas" tags here.
Day 1
A small container of germ-x, a tree paint chip tag that reads, "Have a happy & healthy holiday season!"
 Day 2
This one was tricky...It is a white chocolate dipped oreo covered with crushed peppermint.
Day 3
8 Malt balls and 1 red peanut M & M. 
Day 4
Nail polish.  The tag reads, "For Your Mistle Toes"
Day 5
A small pack of Twizzlers.  The tag reads, "Twizz" the  season to be jolly!"
Day 6
2 packs of gum wrapped in a snowman cover.
Day 7
A bag of Candy Cane kisses.  The tags reads, "Sending you warm wishes and candy cane kisses this holiday season".
Day 8
Thanks to Michele I did nothing for this treat.  It's a clear ornament, filled with fake snow and 'joy' written using her Cricut.
Day 9
The least cute one... 2 packs of hot cocoa and a bunch of mini marshmallows (Nat's new fave)
Day 10
A container of green tic tacs (which are hard to come by).  You can find the grinch pill tag here.
Day 11
A holiday themed chapstick.  The tag reads "Merry Kissmas and a chappy new year!"
Day 12
The finale!
A coffee mug (to go with their Keurig the whole preschool got for them), a salt dough ornament, a Starbucks gift card, a Ghiradelli chocolate and a button ornament card made by Nat. 
I had lots of fun making them but even more fun giving them.  It was a nice way to show them how much we appreciate them and the craziness they go through each holiday season!

Maggie & co.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Turkey Day 2012

We spent Thanksgiving in Connecticut with the majority of my extended family (at least on the Hyland side).  There were 25 people PLUS 3 little girls and 2 babies for Thanksgiving dinner.  The house was loud but full of love!  We had a lot of fun seeing people we haven't seen in a few years and catching up with those we get to see more often, like Livi's Godmother, Lisa.  

Here are some 3-D pumpkins and felt fall leaves:

The little girls helped me out with this one.  We used them to hold popcorn and pretzels.

My niece helped me out with the wording on this bunting.  I love the scalloped turkey face and her handwriting is adorable.  Thanks Aves!

And a close-up...

Then we have the place settings. 
My parent's dining room has a slight nautical theme with maps and striped walls.  So it just made sense having these mayflowers as place settings:

My Mom changed something on me last minute so I needed to make 2 more Mayflowers but was out of the pretty taupe cardstock.  Sooooo...Mom and Dad (the Hosts of T Day) got Mayflower cargo ships with giant pilgrims (by Aves).

The cool table had the Native American table settings.  I love these feathers! 

The little girls' table was Pilgrim themed.  I wanted to get some brown butcher paper for the girls to draw on but Mom did one better.  She found a paper table cloth that was designed to be colored.  AWESOME!  Insert Pilgrim hat crayon holders!

The last table was my turkey table.  With help from my Dad (and some extra railing he found) I was able to pull these together.

We are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends!  We hope everyone had a great holiday and spent it with the ones you love doing what you love.

{I am most thankful for the Fighting Irish and their 12-0 season!}

Maggie & co.